The Sunshine Blogger Award

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I was recently nominated by Savannah over at The Book Prophet to do this amazing award. Thank you so much for the nomination! This is the second blogging award that I’ve been nominated for (the first being the Unique Blogger Award) and I am so excited too get into it. Savannah came up with some amazing question and I can’t wait to answer them. Let’s get started!

The rules…

  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Now, let’s get into Savannah’s questions!

What do you hope to accomplish by book blogging? Do you have an ultimate goal, doing it just for fun, etc?
Truthfully, my goal has always been to make new friends. I have friends where I live, but I don’t have any book loving friends. I don’t have any friends that would talk to me about books rather than boys or makeup. But with blogging, I’ve been able to make quite a few new friends and it has been one of the best things I have ever decided to do! You all know who you are but I just wanted to let you know that whether we’ve only spoken in the comments of each other’s blogs, written back and forth through emails or talked face to face on Skype, you are all amazing and have helped me accomplish my goal!

What’s one thing you’d like to do before you die?
I really want to travel to New York. New York has been my dream place to travel to for a couple of years now and I can’t wait to go there one day. I can just imagine myself exploring Manhattan and visiting the Empire State building, Times Square, and taking a ferry to Lady Liberty! And I can’t wait to visit new bookstores (THE STRAND!) and sitting in small, trendy coffee shops! A girl can dream, right?

If you could pick one book to hold in your hands right now, which would it be?
Definitely If There’s No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout! This book doesn’t release until September 5th, and I absolutely cannot wait to buy it and binge read it! It’s been so hard NOT to read the synopsis, but so far I have survived. I would be over the moon if someone placed an early copy in my hands right now!

Do you plan on going to college, are you currently in college, or have you graduated from college? If so, any tips? (Sorry, just a bit curious haha)
I plan to go to university in the future, but I am still currently in high school. I’m going into 10th grade, also known as sophomore year, and I’m pretty excited. I don’t think it’s going to be as “weird” as grade nine, but I’m not a big fan of school. I am definitely going to be going to university after I graduate but I don’t have anything else planned out yet.

What non-canon ship is your favorite?
DRAMIONE! Who doesn’t love them?!

Have you met any authors?
Sadly, no. Although I live in a city that can be found on a map, it isn’t as populated as the cities that most authors come to in Canada. I don’t even think there has been a famous author in my city before. I think the nearest place that I could meet an author is a 2 hour flight away. But I am still dreaming of the day that I can meet Jennifer L. Armentrout!

Tell us something you do that you don’t think anybody else does.
I don’t think there is anything. I’m a pretty average person.

What would your perfect vacation look like?
Go back to question 2: one thing you would like to to do before you die. New York is definitely my perfect vacation.

What does your daily routine usually consist of?
I’m actually a very boring person. And now that it’s summer, I don’t really do much with my days. But, I usually wake up around 9 a.m. and go straight for a cup of tea. I love to start my days off with a cup of chai tea! While the hot water is brewing, I usually go into the washroom to wash my face and brush my hair. The usual stuff. After that, I usually grab my tea and head back to my room to work on a blog post. About an hour later, I go and grab something for breakfast. And then I go find some clothes to wear. If I’m going out, I will usually put on some makeup. But, I will usually just head back to my laptop and finish my post. And then I READ! For the most part of the day, I will just read and munch on some food, until around 6 p.m. when we have supper. I don’t have a night routine that I swear by, but I usually just shower, brush my teeth and read until I get tired!

What’s your favorite animal?
Definitely either elephants or pandas. But not the adult versions of them. The babies! Baby elephants and pandas are just the cutest animals ever!

How was your day? 😀
My day has been super good! Me and my mom did a little bit of shopping earlier and I ended up getting a new book! I ordered The Darkest Mind by Alexandra Bracken last week and I was finally able to pick it up in-store. We also stopped in a coffee-shop that I have never been to before and the barista did put a cute design on my latte. But now I’m home and just doing a little bit of blogging and reading! So overall, it has been a pretty good day!

Now, onto my nominations! I nominate the following people to do this tag:

If you have already done the tag, don’t worry. Everyone that I listed above is who I think is deserving of the award!

And finally, onto my questions!

  1. What or who was your inspiration for starting your blog?
  2. What is something that you swear by doing everyday?
  3. Besides a bookstore, what are some of your other favorite stores to shop at?
  4. Are you a coffee drinker? If so, what is your usual Starbucks order?
  5. What is one book that you couldn’t live without?
  6. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  7. Where do you tend to do the majority of your reading?
  8. Are there any movies that you love so much that you would re-watch them?
  9. Are there any book bloggers that you look up to? If so, shout them out!
  10. Who are some authors that you dream of meeting?
  11. What is your favorite part of blogging?

And that is it for today! This was a super long post but I hope you all enjoyed it! Don’t forget to like, share and follow for more posts! If you have received the Sunshine Blogger Award, definitely let me know in the comments. I would love to see all of your answers!

Happy Reading,
Alaina ❤

Posted in Tag

14 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination, I was previously nominated already and I was just nominated last week so I have a part two written for Tuesday (in it I tagged/nominated you!). Thank you though, you are so deserving of the nomination as well!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so late with answering this, but life has been busy. Sorry!
    Anyway, I’ve been drowning in tags and my blogging schedule is hectic as it is so I’m just going to say a huge thank you for nominating / tagging me in this!

    [And save the link in hopes of finding the time to actually do this tag some day soon, haha!]


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