Unique Blogger Award (Round 3)


Hey everyone! It’s Friday and luckily I don’t have school today. Thank god for days off. Although I am a little bit sick, I still have LOTS planned for today, and squeezing in a blog post is on the top of my list. SO, today I am going to be doing another round of the Unique Blogger Award. I was recently tagged by Phannie The Ginger Bookworm to do this, and I am so excited. Phannie’s blog is amazing and I definitely recommend checking it out if you haven’t already. Now, let’s get straight into this!

The rules…

  • Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  • Answer the questions
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  • Ask them 3 questions.

Now, on to the questions…

  1. What is your favourite fictional place?
    There are way too many to choose! I would go with the basic bookworm answer of Hogwarts, but I really don’t know enough about it. I think I am going to go with Celaena’s apartment from the Throne of Glass series. It always sounded super cozy andΒ  always wanted to just travel through the pages of my book and be there.
  2. What kind of music do you listen to while trying to relax?
    Is calming music an answer? I usually turn on both of The Fray’s first two albums. They are my favorite band, and I always find that the first two albums are a bit more calmer. My favorite songs on those albums to listen to when I need to relax are Heaven Forbid, We Build Then We Break and Look After You.
  3. What is the last movie you’ve seen at the cinema? Did you like it?
    You guys are all going to laugh at me when I tell you this answer. The last movie I saw in theaters was The 5th Wave, back in February 2016. I really don’t go to the theaters often. It was an okay movie. Not amazing, but definitely a decent adaptation.

My nominations…

My questions…

  1. What is your most re-read book?
  2. What are some blogs that inspire you and/or motivate you to blog?
  3. What was your least favorite book you read in 2017?

And, that’s it for today’s post! Nothing too long for today. Quick, easy and simple. I hope you all enjoyed today’s post, and I hope that all of the nominees have fun with the award. Did you agree with me with any of my answers? Definitely comment some of your thoughts! Also, be sure to like and follow to stay up to date with all of my future posts!

Happy Reading,

10 thoughts on “Unique Blogger Award (Round 3)

  1. Thanks so much for the tag. I’m looking forwards to answering the questions you set. πŸ™‚
    Also oh I haven’t listened to The Fray in ages but I love their albums. Kind of cliche I admit but my favourite song by them would have to be How to Save a Life, I heard it first in that Scrubs episodes and I’ve loved it ever since then.
    Again thanks for the tag. πŸ˜€

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    1. Your welcome. I hope you enjoy it! The Fray is my all-time favorite band. Although I don’t listen to them all the time, they are my comfort music. How To Save A Life is amazing, but I have to say that my favorite song by them is Heaven Forbid.

      Liked by 1 person

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